Kaiser Permanente and the Alliance of Health Care Unions

Workforce of the Future

The future of health care starts with you.

We want to help you sharpen your skills to do the best job possible.

All employees can search career paths, use tuition reimbursement to take courses and explore the content from Workforce Development Week, a virtual event connecting you with resources to build your career.

Eligible union members can:
• Sign up for the critical skills essential to meeting the changing demands of health care.
• Access career counseling, courses and more through 3 Labor Management Partnership-supported education trusts, Ben Hudnall Memorial TrustSEIU UHW-West & Joint Employer Education Fund and SEIU Healthcare 1199NW Multi-Employer Training Fund.

Also, check out our Future Ready Workforce of the Future Thought Leader Series

Use the materials below to help prepare for the future. For questions about the Workforce of the Future initiative, email national-wfpd [at] kp.org (National Workforce Planning and Development).

One of the things I’ve always loved about Kaiser is that you can have many careers here. I got great support from my union, my manager and my career counselor.
Joyce Lee Phlebotomist, United Steelworkers Local 7600
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