Kaiser Permanente and the Alliance of Health Care Unions

Corrective Action (classroom)

Course description

Issue resolution/corrective action is one of the foundation blocks for success of the partnership. The course explores how issues are discovered and together labor and management determine root cause, working with the employee. Also covered is how creative problem solving is used in the workplace to resolve team issues to individual performance in a non-punitive manner.

Path to Performance

Level 1


8 hours

Who should attend

Job categories include stewards, union representatives, managers and human resources consultants

Course requirements

Belong to a union in the Alliance of Health Care Unions or the Coalition of Kaiser Permanente Unions, or work with an Alliance- or Coalition-represented employee

Tools - Color Get the Tools

These are new and different ways to solve problems for managers and workers alike. Get the tools you need to support you.

Enrollment information

For in-person classroom training, contact your regional training leaders for more information.
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