Kaiser Permanente and the Alliance of Health Care Unions

Hank Q2/Q3-2018

See the whole issue

Browse or Borrow, No Library Card Needed

illustrations of books on shelves and a computer screen

The Library section of LMPartnership.org  is easy to navigate. Everything is in its own category — exactly like your local library — except you don’t have to be quiet.

And you don’t have to be quiet

In a large library, visitors often need a map or librarian to help them find what they’re looking for. But the LMPartnership.org Library is easy to navigate: A quick click on the Library tab at the top of any page on the website takes you to a great collection of videos, all sorts of tools, stories, short profiles of colleagues, issues of Hank magazine, the eStore and more. Everything is in its own category — exactly like your local library — except you don’t have to be quiet.

Hot off the presses!

Want to know the latest? Always check the Library first. Interested in an inspiring video to open a meeting? The Library is your place. Each new video, story, tip sheet and profile is posted here. Be sure to check out the Humans of Partnership, a collection of short, heartfelt stories from people — like you — who make up our partnership. Read their own words about:

  • how they used a partnership benefit
  • a time they spoke up at work
  • how their UBT handled a challenge

Share these stories and videos at UBT meetings and huddles — they provide a great lift. We’ve got dozens to choose from.

Get the right tool for the job

The Tools page in our electronic library is like the reference section of a brick-and-mortar library, with Tools to help you and your team complete successful improvement projects, conduct productive meetings and improve our workplace. Access the Tools page by clicking on the All Tools tile in the More to Explore band on the Library landing page, or click on Tools in the dropdown menu in the main navigation bar. Then use the filters on the left side of the page to zoom in on what you’re looking for:

  • Need an activity that promotes health for a unit-based team? Use the topic filter and select Total Health.
  • Looking for a simple way to explain interest-based problem solving? Use the topic filter and select LMP Processes.
  • Find an engaging activity to kick off a meeting! Use the tool type filter and select Icebreakers and/or Puzzles and Games.

Consult the How-To Guides

Don’t overlook the 13 LMP How-To Guides, which provide smart collections of related tools to speed you from start to finish on an activity (planning a meeting, doing a performance improvement project, improving workplace safety and more):


Poster - Color Take Action: Get a Poster for Your Team

What’s going on in your unit-based team? Take a moment to see if there is a poster that will reinforce a message and support you and your team.

  • Go to LMPartnership.org
  • Click Library under the LMP logo
  • Scroll to the bottom of the page and choose Posters from the More to Explore band
  • Print a poster that will help you or encourage your team
  • Display the poster in your work area or post it on a bulletin board

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