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Peter Sidhu, RN, left, demonstrates Ebola safety steps with Arjun Srinivasan, MD, an associate director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, at KP-sponsored forum in November 2014.
Kaiser and Coalition Unions Reach Agreement on Ebola
A landmark pact protects workers who treat Ebola patients.
January 28, 2015
By listening actively and clearly communicating their respective interests, union and management negotiators are blazing a trail for a new way of bargaining.
What's the Deal With Bargaining?
Interest-based bargaining is hard work, and worth it.
January 2, 2015
Why Go to All the Trouble?
Interest-based bargaining is imperfect—and the best way.
CIC members Sandy Woehler (union) and Kelli Kane (managment) review a bargaining proposal together.
What Makes Our Bargaining Unusual
It's like the United Nations, but more polite.
Focusing on Common Ground
How interest-based bargaining changes the game.
Groundbreaking From the Get-Go
A short history of national bargaining at KP.
"If you are going to be a good partner, you have to have your partner’s interests in mind as well as your own," says Michael Belmont.
Good Partnering Methods Aren’t Just for the Bargaining Table
How to solve tough problems and preserve work relationships.
Interest-based bargaining: No one does it like we do it.
From the Desk of Henrietta: Revolutionary
Why interest-based bargaining benefits all parties.
Carol Hammill, a new UPR in Southern California, pictured with her management colleague Ursula Doidic
Around the Regions (Winter 2015)
A sampling of what teams across KP are doing in partnership.
January 1, 2015
Seamless Teamwork Gives Central Valley Babies a Healthy Start
Helping newborns and new moms thrive.
November 17, 2014
Peter Sidhu, RN, and Arjun Srinivasan, MD, get ready to demonstrate how to safely put on and take off protective gear.
Frontline Employees Get Intensive Ebola Preparation
Joint training prepares workers.
November 10, 2014
RNs Jessica Heffern, Leanne Vitacco, Brittni Demers and Lucas Pepin (not pictured) led the drive for needle safety.
Making the Point About Needle Safety
Nurses lead on needlestick prevention.
October 17, 2014