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A longshore worker signing up for a multiphasic exam in 1961.
Longshore Start to Total Health
A short column about the “multiphasic” exam.
August 24, 2012
Dory Schutte, OFNHP member and a co-lead of the Women and Newborn Care UBT at Sunnyside Medical Center in the Northwest.
Around the Regions (Summer 2012)
Work being done in partnership.
UHW member Carolina Meza (right) leads "the incredible hulk" stretch during Instant Recess
Want a Healthy Workforce? Try an Instant Recess
Improve attendance and reduce injuries.
August 21, 2012
From left, union co-lead Alicia Rendon, former co-lead Amber Cabrera, manager Darren Smith and team sponsor Trissy Bastin.
Beyond Retail: Optician Saves Member’s Sight
New workflow helps save a patient's eyesight.
August 7, 2012
Harvard Business School Professor Amy Edmondson
Contradictions That Foster Innovation
There are four pairs of opposing ideas.
May 21, 2012
Bernardino Corona, optical machine operator, SEIU UHW
Going for the Gold
Partnership principles meet members' needs.
Eyvonne Kirk, department administrator, with Eric Zambrano, RN, UNAC/UHCP
Simple Steps to Superior Service
Patients deserve no less.
It took some teamwork to tackle this paperwork backlog.
Behind-the-Scenes Service
Tackling a massive backlog.
Colorado's Becky Sassaman (at right), RN, a member of UFCW Local 7, partnered with fellow Coloradon Debbie Zuege, RN, senior director of Nursing and Women's Health, to aid a sick passenger on a flight.
Flying the Talk
Two KP nurses on a flight home save a life.
Eric Zambrano, left, RN, UNAC/UHCP with Demetria Verna, ward clerk/transcriber, SEIU UHW
AIDET by the Letters
Improving customer service.
Teaming on the fly in KP's San Rafael Emergency department.
Beyond 'Teamwork'
Working together is critical.
May 18, 2012
You Gotta Learn
Create a safe environment.