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Future Ready speakers Priscilla Gill (left) and Dawn Nelson (right) of Mayo Clinic discuss the future of workforce learning with moderator Peggi Winter of Kaiser Permanente.
Get tips on future of workforce learning; view webcast recording for internal use
Laughing out loud: Co-leads Terri Imbach, James R. O’Brien, MD, and Christina English, LPN, use fun to shake things up for their Mt. Scott Medical Office unit-based team.
A Dose of Fun
Co-leads use laughter to help their team — and themselves.
September 5, 2017
Problems piled up so much that transporters were keeping patients waiting too long. At left, Esther Logan, a transport CNA and member of SEIU Local 49, and Marta Witsoe (right), patient transport manager participated in the issue resolution process that led to beefed-up staffing.
Transport Team Tackles Turnaround Times
How issue resolution can untangle a web of problems
March 14, 2017
At first, these frontline workers rolled their eyes at UBTs. But their experiences improving performance and teamwork changed their outlook.
From Skeptics to Believers
Eye-rolling at first, then a growing appreciation.
December 7, 2016
Maria Peyer, an oncology nurse and member of OFNHP/ONA helps Isaias Contreras-Chavez and Justin Dodds learn healthy habits for life.
For the Love of Kids
Helping low-income children thrive.
July 4, 2016
Dental teams in the Northwest, like this one, keep patients comfortable and satisfied.
Dental Teams Put Patients at Ease With "Spa-like" Services
How to give members a "wow" experience.
May 18, 2016
Regaining control: Shannon Cazinha (left), UBT development consultant, worked with management co-lead Linh Chau (center) and union co-lead Fairy Mills (right) to help their Northwest pharmacy team make improvements that gave members more control over their work.
From Tears to Cheers
How one pharmacy team turned its culture around.
May 13, 2016
Wendy Watson manages stress through vigorous exercise.
How Managers Manage Stress
Tips for and by frontline leaders.
Southern California's Biohazards band, extending partnership tools into music-making.
Around the Regions (Winter 2016)
A sampling of teams across KP.
January 4, 2016
Lisa Kane, UBT consultant, harnesses teams' enthusiasm for improving service and quality.
Around the Regions (Fall 2015)
A sampling of what teams across KP are doing in partnership.
October 6, 2015
A successful kp.org sign-up campaign resulted in a deluge of messages, and providers found themselves struggling to keep up. That’s when co-leads Rikki Shene, LPN, a member of SEIU Local 49, and manager Eliseo Olvera took action, with help from their UPR.
The Best-Laid Plans
When improving performance, one thing leads to another.
Ed Vrooman, a union partnership representative from SEIU Local 49, helps teams demystify the data so numbers can be a portal to improved performance instead of a source of stress. Kate Webb, project coordinator, lends a hand.
Lead From Where You Stand
Teams learn how to make sense of their data.
Juan Piantino, MD, shares ideas with Debbie Newcomb, an electro-neurodiagnostic technologist and UFCW Local 555 member.
Partnership Attitude Brings State-of-Art Test to Members
How speaking up helped young patient to life-changing care.
August 11, 2015