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Future Ready speakers Priscilla Gill (left) and Dawn Nelson (right) of Mayo Clinic discuss the future of workforce learning with moderator Peggi Winter of Kaiser Permanente.
Get tips on future of workforce learning; view webcast recording for internal use
Jane Baxter and Ingrid Baillie lead the Alpharetta Ob-Gyn UBT.
How to Zoom From Level 1 to Level 4
Quickly move up the UBT Path to Performance.
March 25, 2014
Making Sense of the Path to Performance
Checklists help UBTs find their way from Level 1 to Level 5.
May 1, 2013
Rick Senneway, director of performance improvement, Navneet Maan, UBT consultant, and Lorie Kocsis, union partnership representative (left to right) have helped Fresno create a facility-wide UBT strategy.
Closing the Gap
Path to Performance is a group effort.
February 1, 2012