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Future Ready speakers Priscilla Gill (left) and Dawn Nelson (right) of Mayo Clinic discuss the future of workforce learning with moderator Peggi Winter of Kaiser Permanente.
Get tips on future of workforce learning; view webcast recording for internal use
A process to follow up on abnormal test results is an important way Kaiser Permanente keeps patients safe and healthy.
Raising a Flag for Patient Safety
Patient outreach effort is winning awards—and saving lives.
March 3, 2015
Teams Collaborate to Ease Growing Workload
Streamline workflow to fulfill patient needs.
August 21, 2014
Allergy Team Helps Screen for Cancer
UBT changes check-in process to save lives.
February 5, 2014
Christina Yadao, MD, examines patient Brooke Davis at the Panola Medical Offices.
A Vaccinating Challenge
A pediatrics team meets its HPV vaccine goals.
January 6, 2014
From left, union co-lead Alicia Rendon, former co-lead Amber Cabrera, manager Darren Smith and team sponsor Trissy Bastin.
Beyond Retail: Optician Saves Member’s Sight
New workflow helps save a patient's eyesight.
August 7, 2012