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Future Ready speakers Priscilla Gill (left) and Dawn Nelson (right) of Mayo Clinic discuss the future of workforce learning with moderator Peggi Winter of Kaiser Permanente.
Get tips on future of workforce learning; view webcast recording for internal use
Making Moments Matter
Helping patients with diabetes transition from hospital to home.
March 22, 2021
Customizing care: Medical assistant Guadalupe Pantoja, a member of OPEIU Local 30, takes readings from patient Mary Hart at Kaiser Permanente Rancho San Diego, as part of her Southern California team’s efforts to tailor care for Latino patients with diabetes.
Decreasing Diabetes Disparaties
Personalizing care improves outcomes for Latino patients.
Baby bonding: Mid-Atlantic team efforts have helped increase breastfeeding rates for Black moms such as LaTisha Thompson (above, with daughter Teigen Roberts) and Kathleen Fulp (below, with husband Donald, daughter Savannah and son Ellington).
A Healthy Start
How to give Black moms and babies good beginnings.
Alyssa Silva, a medical assistant student, performs a blood pressure check at a drive-up hypertension clinic in Northern California. The clinic is an example of how Kaiser Permanente is meeting the moment.
Editor's Letter: Meeting the Moment
Partnership advances equity amid pandemic.
Mid-Atlantic States team efforts have helped increase breastfeeding rates for Black moms such as Kathleen Fulp, pictured with husband Donald, daughter Savannah and son Ellington.
Equity for All
Teams answer the call to address care gaps.
Partnership power: The Keizer Station Family Medicine team has been honored by the Northwest Region for improving service and access. Pictured (from left) are team co-leads Medical Office Director Ruthie Berrell; Caroline King-Widdall, MD; and nurse Molly Maddox, an OFNHP member.
All In for Virtual Visits
Working together helps team get ahead of curve.
Showing unity: Kaiser Permanente employees at South Sacramento in Northern California rally in support of racial equity.
Building Bridges
Teams look inward to achieve inclusive and equitable care.
Cultivating joy in work can lead to greater fullfilment and less stress.
Joy in Work
The antidote to burnout.
September 10, 2020
Every team needs to master the basics so it can improve service and quality.
The Basics
Get grounded in the why and how of Partnership.
Answering the call: As Mid-Atlantic States psychotherapist Lindsey McDaniel, a UFCW Local 400 member, and colleagues shift to virtual visits, unit-based teams have helped give employees a voice to improve the delivery of care.
Transforming Care With Partnership Tools
Behavioral Health teams pivot to virtual house calls.
Flexing muscles, being flexible: This team at the Fontana Medical Center in Southern California is an example of how partnership is a strength.
Strength in Partnership
How labor and management confront a pandemic together.
September 9, 2020
Sharon Davis, RN, and Chris Osborn, PA-C, both members of UNAC/UHCP, prepare to screen patients and employees for signs of cold- and flu-like symptoms at South Bay Medical Center.
Partnership Sets Tone for Fighting COVID-19
How years of practice working in partnership pays off in a crisis.
April 7, 2020