Kaiser Permanente and the Alliance of Health Care Unions
close up of dollar bills

A team blitz clears a billing backlog. 

Coding Team’s Blitz Bulldozes Backlogged Claims

Faced with an ongoing backlog of claims, the Northwest coding team mounted an all-out attack to cut the problem down to size. The traditional way of working the queues involved having different coders assigned to a specific line of business by payer. That approach was causing a delay in processing claims and billing patients. Instead of everyone working in individual queues, the team focused their efforts on a particular work queue and processed 50 percent more claims as a result. 

Here's What Worked

  • Using a “blitz” approach to the work queues, when new sessions get backed up
  • Mobilizing everyone to work on the same queue until the backlog decreases
  • Shifting from the existing practice of everyone working in individual queues

What can your team do to tackle large issues that are creating a backlog? Where else could your team use a "blitz" approach?


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