Kaiser Permanente and the Alliance of Health Care Unions
Courier and packages.

Stretching on a regular basis can help couriers reduce the chance of injury. Pictured is Franklin Courier/Mail Services courier Sara Quimby, a member of SEIU Local 105.

Limber Up to Cut Down Injuries

A safe workplace is critical, especially for couriers who lift heavy boxes and navigate tight and crowded spaces. Looking to reduce their injury rates, the courier services at the San Diego Medical Center initiated a daily stretching program that targeted problem areas like the back and shoulder. The team also created a safety board to post information about proper lifting techniques and safe-driving tips. After averaging 16-22 injuries a year, the team went more than 355 days without an injury.

Here's What Worked

  • Creating a daily stretching routine, and discussing work safety on a regular basis
  • Discussing proper lifting and pushing techniques, and also the proper use of equipment
  • Posting safe-driving and other safety awareness tips, and highlighting the number of injury-free days

What can your team do to reduce injuries and keep one another safe on the job? 

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