Videos Strength in Numbers January 6, 2017 Share Tweet Email Download Download MP4 Directions: Right-click on the Download MP4 link above (option-click on a Mac) and choose the “Save as…” command. Next steps: Get ideas on how you can use LMP videos in your meetings and trainings, plus information on handling zip files. (1:42) A Physical Therapy unit-based team discovers the power that comes from engaging every team member. More to Explore Inventing Better Care Unit-based teams make Kaiser Permanente a best place to work and receive care. Physicians on Unit-Based Teams Guide, support, nurture and sustain highly effective UBTs Checklist: Starting a UBT Identify and chart important components. Giving Bad Joints the Boot Surgery patients go home sooner for a faster recovery. Poster: Are You in a Unit-Based Team? Find the answer to this important question quickly! Making Early Detection Easy Eye care team helps patients get health screenings. 81 people found this helpful. Was it helpful to you? YesNo