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Future Ready speakers Priscilla Gill (left) and Dawn Nelson (right) of Mayo Clinic discuss the future of workforce learning with moderator Peggi Winter of Kaiser Permanente.
Get tips on future of workforce learning; view webcast recording for internal use
Sharon Davis, RN, and Chris Osborn, PA-C, both members of UNAC/UHCP, prepare to screen patients and employees for signs of cold- and flu-like symptoms at South Bay Medical Center.
Partnership Sets Tone for Fighting COVID-19
How years of practice working in partnership pays off in a crisis.
April 7, 2020
Communication, Commitment, Consensus
UBT co-leads bond thanks to partnership basics.
September 5, 2017
Jeffrey Ha, a pharmacy technician and member of UFCW Local 135, was one of several team members involved in helping his department reduce waste.
Pharmacy Saves Big With Value-Shopper Approach
How one team generated a $1.1 million win.
June 19, 2017
At first, these frontline workers rolled their eyes at UBTs. But their experiences improving performance and teamwork changed their outlook.
From Skeptics to Believers
Eye-rolling at first, then a growing appreciation.
December 7, 2016
Manager Nee Tang cultivates the skills it takes to help workers feel comfortable speaking up.
How to Create a ‘Speak-Up’ Culture
<p>Four ways managers can encourage their employees to feel safe about speaking up.</p>
September 7, 2016
"ALL HERE FOR EACH OTHER": By working together, the pharmacy team built trust and dramatically decreased injuries. Shown here, left to right: Nachelle Walker, Clinical Pharmacy Services manager; Ramee Chambers, a Transitional Care manager; and Chakana Mayo, a pharmacy technician and UFCW Local 770 member who is also the team’s workplace safety champion.
Why We Speak Up
Pharmacy eliminates nearly all workplace injuries.
Chakana Mayo, a pharmacy technician and UFCW Local 770 member, is a workplace safety champion for her team.
On Speaking Up When You're Not the Boss
<p>Get advice from two union members who've done it.</p>
The Woodland Hills Intensive Care Unit has built a speak up culture with interdisciplinary rounds on patients. As a result, the team has high morale, low turnover—and its patients suffer fewer hospital-acquired infections.
The Three Cs to Success
Consistency, communication, collaboration bring better care.
April 13, 2016
Southern California's Biohazards band, extending partnership tools into music-making.
Around the Regions (Winter 2016)
A sampling of teams across KP.
January 4, 2016
The critical care team at KP Baldwin Park, where the keen outside eye of UBT consultant Charisse Lewis helped clear the way to a culture that supports performance improvement efforts.
Outside Eye Helps Team Do an About-Face
A frontline coach helps turn around a struggling team.
October 6, 2015
Working to Put Herself Out of a Job
A UBT consultant helps teams fly on their own.
Teo's stay in the NICU after he was born led dad Trav Ichinose to become an active member of the team's parent advisory council, contributing his voice to improving performance.
Giving Patients a Voice
Caregivers get tips from patients.
March 17, 2015