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Future Ready speakers Priscilla Gill (left) and Dawn Nelson (right) of Mayo Clinic discuss the future of workforce learning with moderator Peggi Winter of Kaiser Permanente.
Get tips on future of workforce learning; view webcast recording for internal use
Our Focus Areas help teams focus on what really matters.
Keep Your Eye on the Prize
Focus Areas are where it's at.
June 13, 2018
The team-tested practices section can help your team learn from others' successes and failures.
Take the Easy Way Out
Get ideas from other teams instead of starting from scratch.
I'm a believer: Emile Pinera, MD, was skeptical about UBTs at first. After seeing how partnership led to results for his patients, he's sold.
Partnership: Just What the Doctor Ordered
How one Georgia doctor became an LMP advocate.
September 5, 2017
The View From the High Road
A message from the LMP tri-chairs on our 20-year journey.
Communication, Commitment, Consensus
UBT co-leads bond thanks to partnership basics.
Let's talk: UBT co-leads Antronette Moore-Mohead and Joanna Harris model great relationship skills.
'No Big Me, little you'
Mutual respect sustains these co-leads over the long term.
Now hear this: Leaders and members of this UBT benefit from each other’s complementary workplace experiences. Pictured (left to right) are Lynn Reese, Au.D., a UFCW Local 400 member; Roger Wallace, clinician; and Caroline Masikonde, clinical operations manager.
Listening Is Key for Audiology Co-Leads
How to value each other’s different skills and background.
Laughing out loud: Co-leads Terri Imbach, James R. O’Brien, MD, and Christina English, LPN, use fun to shake things up for their Mt. Scott Medical Office unit-based team.
A Dose of Fun
Co-leads use laughter to help their team — and themselves.
"I look at (partnership) as a marriage," says Denice L. Washington, an OPEIU Local 29 business representative who is the labor co-lead to the Northern California LMP Steering Committee. "You have to work at a marriage every day. Don’t take it for granted....There are hard conversations that have to happen, and you’ve got to have the ability to trust your partner and be open and receptive to ideas."Visit the Humans of Partnership page for more 20th anniversary reflections.
Past, Present and Future
Voices from the front lines, on LMP's 20th anniversary.
Ironworkers at Niacet Chemical Company, Niagara Falls, New York, 1928; Cliff Keene second from left. 1929 union card, International Association of Bridge, Ornamental, and Structural Ironworkers. Images courtesy Steve Gilford, from the personal collection of Clifford Keene.
Labor History: Physician, Kaiser Permanente President, Ironworker
A profile of KP's first president and CEO.
September 1, 2017
Jeffrey Ha, a pharmacy technician and member of UFCW Local 135, was one of several team members involved in helping his department reduce waste.
Pharmacy Saves Big With Value-Shopper Approach
How one team generated a $1.1 million win.
June 19, 2017
When mid-level leaders from both management and unions build skills in key partnership concepts, they are in a better position to support unit-based teams.
Meet Your National Agreement: Training for Everyone, Starting in the Middle
How mid-level managers, union leaders build key skills.