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Future Ready speakers Priscilla Gill (left) and Dawn Nelson (right) of Mayo Clinic discuss the future of workforce learning with moderator Peggi Winter of Kaiser Permanente.
Get tips on future of workforce learning; view webcast recording for internal use
Anthony Frizzell, mental health assistant and member of OPEIU Local 2 says, "It is imperative that we relate to the patient in the way the patient wishes."
A Matter-of-Fact Approach to Gender Issues
Better serving transgender teens.
January 4, 2016
"Why reinvent the wheel?" asks Marianne Henson, RN, the clinical operations manager at Falls Church, Virginia. "We already knew what worked."
Boost Your Borrowing
Someone else's idea can be good for a quick win.
March 24, 2015
Don't Be Shy
A team spreads a proven practice and helps save lives.
The endoscopy team at KP's Falls Church facility has reduced appointment no-shows—which helps improve access—by borrowing a successful tactic from other teams: making phone calls to remind members of their upcoming appointments.
Steal Shamelessly
Making the most of a good idea.
Teo's stay in the NICU after he was born led dad Trav Ichinose to become an active member of the team's parent advisory council, contributing his voice to improving performance.
Giving Patients a Voice
Caregivers get tips from patients.
March 17, 2015